Struggling with day trading?
If you are a struggling trader and tired of all the 'make millions easy' content, you've come to the right place. Trade Clearly is your ultimate source for straight talking advice and articles about the reality of pursuing day trading to generate income and most importantly, get on the path to profitability.
The main reason I created this content was to help others get to that point where they see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Free guidance
I have created a blog page containing a wealth of articles and information. Not only does the blog cover technical aspects of trading but also the emotional aspects, an area which is difficult to master. The emotional side will make you or break you! See sections below for details of what my blog page includes.
Your bag of tricks
In addition to my blog content, all of which is FREE I also have some other services for a modest price. All these options are going to add value to you as a trader and keep you on the right path to achieve all your trading ambitions.
Patreon channel
If you are interested in future trade ideas I am looking at entering, please go to my Patreon channel in the link within the footer. Here you will get an option to get realtime access to what trades I am looking at and why
Trade Accountability Partner
If you are looking for a Trading Accountability Partner then I offer support to keep you on the right track. Having someone to support you in the early days of your trading is an investment that pays for itself
Journaling tool
I have created my own journaling model that will graph and monitor your trading performance visually. Just enter the trades and understand from your dashboard the win ratios by strategy, day of week, long vs short and more